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SpamAssassin vinstall ログ

注意: このページは、レンタルサーバー SPEEDEX VPS v1 の E-Mail についての技術サポートページです。
SPEEDEX VPS v1 には FreeBSD サーバーA、FreeBSD サーバーB、FreeBSD サーバーC、Solaris Standard、Solaris Pro の 5 タイプがあります。
2009年6月現在、5 タイプとも新規オーダーはお受けしておりません。
現在提供中のサービスについては SPEEDEX のメニューページを参照ください。
なお、Solaris Standard、Solaris Pro につきましては 2010年5月を持ってサービスを停止する予定です。
SPEEDEX VPS v2 サーバーご利用の場合は v2 サーバーサポートページを参照ください。
SPEEDEX VPS v3 サーバーご利用の場合は v3 サーバーサポートページを参照ください。
SPEEDEX OneDom サーバーご利用の場合は OneDom サーバーサポートページを参照ください。


% vinstall spamassassin

installing spamassassin


##                         ##

##  Procmail Installation  ##

##                         ##


    Procmail must be installed before it can be used as the LDA (local

    delivery agent) for sendmail (necessary for Spam Assassin 2.42).


    You may install it later yourself via 'vinstall procmail' if you like,

    or I can install it for you now.

Would you like me to install procmail for you now? [yes]:

ここでは yes を入力するか、Enter を入力してください。

Installing procmail...

installing procmail


##                                                                ##

##            I N S T A L L A T I O N   C O M P L E T E           ##

##                                                                ##


Procmail 3.22 is now installed on your server.

Manual pages for Procmail 3.22 have also been installed; please read them

carefully to learn how to use Procmail 3.22. The man pages may be accessed

by typing:

    % man procmail

(You may need to type 'rehash' before you will be able to access the

man pages). The 'SEE ALSO' section of the procmail man page introduces

'procmailrc', 'procmailsc' and 'procmailex' man pages as further

examples of using Procmail 3.22.

Included in this release is a special man page for using procmail on

your Virtual Server as your local mail delivery agent. Type:

    man filtering

at your server prompt to view it.

vinstall done



##                            ##

##  Procmail as Sendmail LDA  ##

##                            ##


    In order for Spam Assassin 2.42 to work correctly, sendmail should be

    configured to use procmail as its LDA (local delivery agent). In order

    to configure this, I will need to replace your ~/etc/sendmail.cf file.


    I will save a backup copy of ~/etc/sendmail.cf to ~/etc/sendmail.cf.030513172844


    If you have customized ~/etc/sendmail.cf in any way, these changes

    will be undone (but saved in ~/etc/sendmail.cf.030513172844). If you 

    have not made any changes to your ~/etc/sendmail.cf file, the

    upgrade will not affect your server adversely and will bring your

    sendmail up to date with the most recent sendmail improvements

    and enhancements.

Would you like me to update sendmail to use procmail as its LDA now? [yes]: 

ここでは yes を入力するか、Enter を入力してください。

Installing sendmail...


installing sendmail


Extracting archive...Creating local-host-names...


The sendmail m4 macros have been installed in ~/usr/local/sendmail.

They include slight modifications for the VPS environment. For

information on customizing your sendmail.cf file with m4 macros,

read the sendmail introduction and example in


Chapter 4 of the book "sendmail," by Bryan Costales and Eric Allman,

3rd ed. (Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly, 2003), describes m4 configuration.

See online documentation at .

vinstall done



##                             ##

##  Unpack Spam Assassin 2.42  ##

##                             ##


    Spam Assassin 2.42 installation complete!


##                                    ##

##  Creating ~/etc/mail/spamassassin  ##

##                                    ##




##                             ##

##  Server-wide Configuration  ##

##                             ##


    You may configure Spam Assassin 2.42 to process *all* email received by the

    server (except email that is sent off-site via a .forward, alias,

    or virtmap entry). This is called server-wide configuration.

    You may configure Spam Assassin 2.42 to process email server-wide

    OR you may configure Spam Assassin 2.42 to process email on a per-user

    (email-only accounts, subhosted domains with email accounts, etc.)


Would you like to setup Spam Assassin 2.42 to process *all* email received by this server now? [no]: 

「システム共通フィルター」を設定する場合は yes を、

個別ユーザーの設定を行う場合は、no を入力するか、Enter を入力してください。

この例ではEnter を入力し、個別ユーザーの設定に進んでいます。

    Not configuring Spam Assassin 2.42 to process email server-wide.


##                          ##

##  Per-user Configuration  ##

##                          ##


    You may configure Spam Assassin 2.42 to process email for a particular

    user on your server.

    If you have already selected server-wide configuration, you should

    choose 'no' to the next question UNLESS you selected the 'tag-only'

    delivery option for server-wide email.

Would you like to setup Spam Assassin 2.42 to process email for a particular user now? [no]: yes

個別ユーザーの設定を行う場合は、yes を入力してください。

設定しない場合は、no を入力するか、Enter を入力してください。

この例では yes を入力し、個別ユーザーの設定に進んでいます。

For which user do you want to configure procmail? info


この例では info ユーザー名を入力し、info ユーザーの設定に進んでいます。

    For the next two questions, the following terms apply:

        - "tag" means to add special headers to incoming spam email

        - "action" means to store, forward, delete, or otherwise "do

          something" with tagged email messages

        - "filtering" means "tag" plus "action" together

    If you are tagging email server-wide and now want to choose an

    action (i.e., what to do with tagged spam) for a particular user,

    choose 'no'.

    Otherwise, if you are NOT tagging email server-wide and are now

    configuring per-user filtering (tag + action), choose 'yes'.

    (Note: If you are filtering (tagging AND taking action) email

    server-wide, you should not be doing per-user configuration. Hit

    ctrl-c to abort this installation now and try again.)

Would you like to have Spam Assassin 2.42 tag incoming email? [yes]: 

このユーザー宛に届いたメールに tag を付ける場合は、

yes を入力するか、Enter を入力してください。

「システム共通設定」を使う場合は no を入力してください。

何らかの tag 設定が不可欠です。

この例では Enter を入力しています。

    You have chosen to have Spam Assassin 2.42 tag incoming email

    If you are now configuring an action for email tagged as spam for

    this user, choose an action below.

    (Note: If you are filtering (tagging AND taking action) email

    server-wide, you should not be doing per-user configuration.  Hit

    ctrl-c now to abort this installation now and try again.)

What would you like to do with the email messages tagged by 

Spam Assassin 2.42 ('$HOME' refers to the user's home directory)?

    Select a delivery option:

    (A) Nothing (i.e., "tag-only"--deliver spam and non-spam as usual)

    (B) Deliver spam to a special mailbox (e.g., /var/mail/spam, $HOME/spam, etc.)

    (C) Deliver spam to a special mailbox, forward non-spam to another

        email address

    (D) Forward spam to another email address (e.g., myspam@yahoo.com)

    (E) Delete spam (not recommended!)

    (F) Delete spam, forward non-spam to another email address (not recommended!)

Your selection: D

tag を付けたメール(spam と判定されたメール)にどのような action を設定するかを選択します。

A は通常通りの処理で、何もしません。正常なメールと同様に処理されます。

B は spam と判定されたメールだけを特定のメールボックスに送ります。

C は spam と判定されたメールだけを特定のメールボックスに送り、正常なメールを別の特定のアドレスに転送します。

D は spam と判定されたメールだけを特定のメールアドレスに転送します。

E は spam と判定されたメールを削除します。お勧めの選択ではありません。

F は spam と判定されたメールを削除し、正常なメールを特定のアドレスに転送します。お勧めの選択ではありません。

この例では D を入力しています。

Where do you want to forward your spam? my-name@my-dom.com


この例では my-name@my-dom.com を入力しています。

If you are doing site-wide tagging and per-user delivery options,

choose 'yes' ('$HOME' refers to the user's home directory) so that

you can keep an email delivery log (helpful for tracking down false

positives, experiments you may wish to try, etc.)

Would you like to keep a log of email Spam Assassin 2.42 processes? [yes]: 

Spam Assassin のログをとる場合は

yes を入力するか、Enter を入力してください。

ログをとらない場合は no を入力してください。

この例では Enter を入力しています。

Please enter the location where you want to log Spam Assassin 2.42 actions: [$HOME/spam.log]: 


ユーザーのホームディレクトリーに spam.log 名で保存する場合は

Enter を入力してください。

この例では Enter を入力しています。

    New configuration successful.

Configure another user? [yes]: no


yes を入力するか、Enter を入力してください。

この例では no を入力し、設定を終了しています。


##                                              ##

##  Spam Assassin 2.42 Configuration Complete!  ##

##                                              ##


You have installed Spam Assassin 2.42.

Depending on the options you specified, your email will be tagged with

special headers to reflect its status (e.g., spam or non-spam).

Site-wide configuration options should be put in:


Per-user configuration options go in:


(see "man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf" for what you can put in these

files. You may also find information at .

Also depending on the configuration options you specified, one or more

procmail rules have been added to ~/etc/procmailrc (if you specified

server-wide options) or ~/usr/home//.procmailrc (if you

specified per-user options). These procmail rules will process the

tagged messages according to the options you have selected.

You may run this 'vinstall' as often as you wish to update or remove

settings you may have already entered.

vinstall done

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